Itasha Design

A brief rundown of how we get started on your new itasha;
First we figure out what kind of itasha you want. Just the hood, just the sides, both the hood and sides, or even a full wrap.
Then the next step is how elaborate you want it. Do you want a crazy background with all the graphic effects, or something a little more simple and down to earth, or maybe something in between. We also find out how many characters or poses you would like.

Note* It is the responsibility of the commissioner to source the approval for fan artwork usage if there is a specific image you want to use that is not official art. Once a commission is started there is a one week period in which you can request a refund of your commission deposit. after that point you will no longer be able to request the refund. 


Hood Design

Our Base Hood Package includes a single character/pose, a simple background design

Fender Design

Our Fender Package includes a single character/pose, background design 

Sides Design

Our Sides Only Package comes with a single character/pose to be mirrored on either side, a simple background design

Rear Quarter Design

Our Rear Quarter Package is the middle ground between Sides and Fender in terms of sizing. but is for the back half of the car. Our Rear Quarter Package comes with a single character/pose to be mirrored on either side, a simple background design

Hood & Sides Design Package

Our Hood and Sides Design offers the most coverage without being a full wrap. This package combines the hood and side packages at a discount and as a bonus you get a free matching windshield banner.
Once more, a simple background design for both hood and sides, one character/pose for the hood and one character/pose for either side

Full Wrap Itasha Design

Our Full Itasha design offers a 3 character, graphic heavier design

Add-on Options

Additional Character Art
Alternative Unique Artwork 
Reflective Vinyl Character Overlays
Chrome Vinyl Character Overlay

Commissions are open